Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When to Use Slide Shows for a Presentation

Some folks balk at the idea of using PowerPoint or Keynote for visual aids during a presentation. Such people are usually snobby speakers, frustrated meeting planners or jaded AV technicians who believe a person should just be able to jump up to a podium an deliver an electrifying speech.

Public speaking has come a long way and while it is true that many visuals shown to audiences are unnecessary because printouts are already supplied (that or the presenter reads the slides anyway), visuals have their place and often become a crucial method of idea support for modern audiences.

During such events as medical conferences, digital media summits or sustainable technologies meetings, slide shows are as integral to the experience as the person on the stage presenting. Great graphics and detailed pictures will help a presenter open a window into their industry sector that speech alone usually cannot accomplish.

So, the next time somebody suggests that a slidwshow presentation is a crutch, ignore them. BUT, you must know how to use the slides to facilitate a successful presentation.

Ask me, I can help!

- Buck Moore

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